Do you like "Hillside dollars"? Complete these assignments in October.
Click the links and print out the assignments for your child. Once you finish, please give it to Tim sensei.
Your child will get 1 dollar for completing each assignment! Yay!
3-5 years old: Assignment 1: https://supersimple.com/downloads/the-bumblenums-worksheet-connect-ep30.pdf
6-9 years old: Assignment 1: https://supersimple.com/downloads/abc-pirates-i-island-worksheet-trace.pdf
If you can't print these out, then please ask us to print them for you.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Happy learning!
-Timothy Hill
#hillsidehimeji #ヒルサイド英語 #姫路英会話
Source: Supersimplelearning.com